All images below available as high quality metal wall art including float mounts.  No framing needed.  Matte finish limits window glare from sunlight.  Colors and clarity pop when printed on metal.
Contact me at if interested in any wall art or a different size of any of these images than what is shown below that I sell at local fairs.
'Autumn Paradise' - $240 for 20 x 30 on Metal or $110 for 12 x 18 on Metal
'Dreamy Mount Rainier' - $150 for 16 x 20 on Metal
'Paradise Sunrise' - $200 for 15 x 30 on Metal
' Tahoma over Tacoma' - $110 for 12 x 18 on Metal
'Cascade Sunrise' - $200 for 15 x 30 on Metal
'Alone' - $75 for 11 x 14 on Metal
'Sunset Sail' - $150 for 16 x 20 on Metal
'Narrows Bridge Beauty' - $200 for 15 x 30 on Metal 
'Narrows Bridge Pastel' - $110 for 12 x 18 on Metal or $240 for 20 x 30
'Wavelength' - $110 for 12 x 18 on Metal
'If Wine Could Dream' - $70 for 11 x 14 on Metal
'Liquid Sunshine' - $70for 11 x 14 on Metal
'Spring Swirls' - $160 for 16 x 24 on Metal
'Spring Overflowing' - $70 for 11 x 14 on Metal
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